Do you approve of President Obama's budget plan?

By Daniel Smith | 3/25/2009 07:23:00 AM

At the news conference Tuesday night, President Obama expressed solidarity with those who are outraged that AIG executives were awarded $165 million in bonuses at a time the company was being propped up by billions in federal rescue funds, but he also urged Americans to keep their focus on the big picture.

Obama touted his proposal to overhaul the financial regulatory system — Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is slated to unveil more details Thursday — and pushed for his budget. Obama heads to Capitol Hill today to defend his budget plan.

The 57-minute question-and-answer forum in the East Room, Obama's second prime-time news conference, came six weeks and a political lifetime after his first one. Since then, he has signed the $787 billion stimulus package and unveiled his $3.6 trillion budget. He's announced his plans to withdraw most U.S. troops from Iraq and to deploy additional troops to Afghanistan.

During those six weeks, the economy has gotten worse; even with Monday's triple-digit rally, the Dow Jones industrial average is 610.66 points lower than it was on Feb. 9. What's more, Republicans generally have united behind a strategy of opposing the administration's economic plans as ill-conceived and too expensive. Although his job-approval rating remains a healthy 63% in the Gallup daily tracking poll, pressure is building for Obama to show concrete results.

In light of this latest development, here is my question to you:-

Do you approve of President Obama's budget plan?

Please leave your comments and answers by clicking on the 'comments' link at the top right hand corner.

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