The government cannot fix the worst banking crisis since the Great Depression on its own. But the Obama administration is adamant that if given the right incentives, investors' goal for profits will help revive lending and put the economy back on track.

In laying out the government's plan to partner with the private sector to buy as much as $1 trillion in bad assets, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said it was the best option to deal with a vexing problem that has plagued both the Bush and Obama administrations.

The government's plan is to get the toxic loans and securities off banks' balance sheets so that banks can raise money and lend to creditworthy customers. Without such lending, the economy is expected to remain mired in a recession that is already the deepest in decades.

For specific details of the bank rescue plan, click here to--> Read the Full Article

In light of this latest development, here is my question to you:-

Will the potential of profits lure the private investors' to join the bank rescue plan with the government?

Please leave your comments/opinions by clicking on the comments link at the right hand corner.

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  1. Anil Singh March 24, 2009 at 10:16 AM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  2. Anil Singh March 24, 2009 at 10:20 AM  

    It's a risky plan but given the circumstances there's no better alternative to revive this downward spiraling economy. lets hope that this plan will reinstate the banks' lending to credit worthy customers.